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Just a bit Intermediate Grammar
Several adverbs allow you to specify that you’re working with small quantities. Here is how to use them:
Character stroke order Intermediate Characters
When you write characters, it’s not enough to know what to write. You also need to know how to write, and in which order to draw the strokes, as explained here:
Reading in Chinese on your Kindle All Learning
It’s good to read for better comprehension. But did you know that you can read in Chinese on an Amazon Kindle? Here’s how, and where, to find books:
Road rage! Intermediate Culture Video
Do you get angry with other drivers? Of course you do, but how do you express your feelings in Chinese?
Twitter: @ChinesePod
Different types of thinking Intermediate Grammar
In English, we use the verb “to think” to describe a number of different types of activities involving cognition, emotion, and opinion. In Chinese, we can use different verbs to describe these actions:
Twitter: @DigMandarin
Chinese compound words Beginner Learning
How can you pick apart, and understand, compound words in Chinese? Here are some ideas and hints to help you:
Twitter: @DigMandarin
Songs to improve your Chinese All Video Vocabulary
A good way to improve not only your vocabulary but your knowledge of Chinese culture is via songs. Here are some good songs (and videos) that you can use to improve and also impress your friends:
Twitter: @FluentU
Ebooks vs. paper books Beginner Story
A short story about the progress of time, and the growing use of ebook readers:
Twitter: @imandarinpod
Can’t sleep Intermediate Story
Can’t sleep? Read this story on that very topic, and maybe you’ll doze off…
Twitter: @imandarinpod
Talking about money Beginner Vocabulary Video
When we discuss money in Chinese, what noun should we use — 元 (yuán) or 块 (kuài)?
Twitter: @chineseclass101
How many characters? Beginner Learning Characters
One of the most common questions I get about learning Chinese is: How many characters do you need to know? This post tries to answer this question:
Twitter: @MandarinBP
HelloChinese review All Reviews
HelloChinese is an app that aims to teach you Chinese? How well does it do? Here’s a reivew:
Dramas for business Advanced Culture Vocabulary
Want to use Chinese in your work? Watching TV might help, if the show is a Chinese drama about the business world:
Twitter: @AlsSydney
Country names Beginner Vocabulary Video
Can you say your country’s name in Chinese? How about some of the world’s major countries? Here is a cute song that teaches some basic country names:
Twitter: @ChineseBuddy
Learning tones Beginner Pronunciation Video
Tones are a crucial part of Chinese pronunciation. Here is a roundup of resources and videos to teach you the tones, and how to pronounce them like a native:
Twitter: @ChineseLanguage
2018 holidays All Culture
China has lots of holidays. What are they, and when will they take place? Here’s a list of Chinese holidays in 2018, along with dates and some cultural notes:
Twitter: @ChineseLanguage
Bargaining Beginner Vocabulary Video
If you have ever gone shopping in China, you know that you can (and should) bargain. But how can you do it in Chinese?
Twitter: @ChinesePod
Tigers! Intermediate Listening Story
Here’s a short story you can listen to about two tigers:
Not just for past tense All Grammar Video
We often think that 了 is used for past tense in Chinese. But that’s not quite true, as we learn here:
Twitter: @Fluent_Mandarin
Measure words All Grammar Video
Measure words are a crucial part of Chinese grammar; here is a good introduction to them, and when to use each one:
Twitter: @Fluent_Mandarin
A short holiday Beginner Grammar Video
How short was the recent holiday? Before you answer, make sure you know which version of “short” to use:
Twitter: @ECLSchool