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Topic-comment structure Intermediate Grammar
Normally, Chinese is SVO (subject-verb-object). But in the “topic-comment” structure, you mention a subject, and then discuss it:
The story of Nian Beginner Culture Video
Chinese New Year is coming up. Here is a video version of the legend behind this holiday, along with some introductory greetings you can use:
Again! Intermediate Grammar Video
How can you say that you want to do something again? This video explains the use of 在 (zài) in this way:
Twitter: @ECLSchool
There are, aren’t there? Beginner Grammar Video
In Chinese, we can use the verb 有 (yǒu) to indicate that a place has a certain quality, or contains a certain item:
Twitter: @ECLSchool
That pesky 3rd tone Beginner Pronunciation
Tones are tough for many to understand when learning Chinese. The 3rd tone can be particularly tricky. Here are some tips for pronouncing it correctly:
Twitter: @MandarinBP
Happy New Year! Beginner Vocabulary Video
How can we discuss the new (Gregorian) year, 2018? Here are some useful words you can use:
Twitter: @ChinesePod
Happy 2018! Beginner Vocabulary Video
How do people in China celebrate the New Year’s holiday? And how do they discuss it? Here are some details, as well as useful words to talk about it:
Twitter: @chineseclass101
Visiting Guangdong All Travel
Guangdong province is large and varied, and contains lots of interesting cuisine, culture, and history, as shown here:
Moving translations All Culture
How are your favorite movies’ names translated into Chinese? Here are some examples of some famous films from 2017, along with how people in China refer to them:
Twitter: @WorldOfChinese
Common characters in Chinatown Intermediate Characters
If you go to Chinatown — a Chinese neighborhood in your city — then you’ll likely see a few particular characters. Here is your guide to identifying and understanding them:
Twitter: @WrittenChinese
New Year’s resolutions Beginner Vocabulary
Planning to make New Year’s resolutions? It’s not too late:
Twitter: @ChineseLanguage
Thanks so much! Beginner Vocabulary
How can you thank someone in Chinese? As usual, there are multiple words and phrases you can sprinkle into your conversations:
Twitter: @FluentU
Day trips from Kunming All Travel
Kunming itself is a lovely city — but if you go out of town, you can see some spectacular sights, as described here:
Twitter: @ChineseLanguage
Ice cream All Vocabulary
Do you enjoy eating ice cream? Of course you do! Here is how you can discuss ice cream in Chinese:
Twitter: @ECLSchool
Little pony Intermediate Story
A pony needs to cross the river. Will he make it? The story might not be so exciting, but it’s good practice:
Twitter: @imandarinpod
Patience Intermediate Story
A short story introducing the idea of being patient, of not trying to do everything at once:
Twitter: @imandarinpod
When do they grow up? Beginner Grammar
When do we stop using the term 孩子 (hái zi) to talk about people in China. In other words, how big are “children”?
Making comparisons Intermediate Grammar
How do we use 比一比 (bǐ yi bǐ) in a comparison?