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Step by Step, by MayDay Intermediate Culture Video
May Day is a popular Taiwanese band. Follow and learn one of their most popular songs, to get a better sense of Chinese culture — and of course, to learn some new words and phrases. And if nothing else, the video has some amazing pictures of an elephant:
Twitter: @MyTutorMandarin
Sad words Beginner Vocabulary Video
Feeling down? Express it in Chinese with the words introduced in this video:
Twitter: @chineseclass101
App roundup All Reviews
Which apps should you use to learn Chinese? Here is a list of the best and best-known ones:
Improve your speech All Reviews
Chinese is hard to pronounce for many foreigners — and yet, pronunciation is key if you’re going to gain fluency. Here is a review of Speechling, which tries to help you improve your pronounciation:
Invented in China All Culture
Lots of everyday objects were invented in China. What things? Here’s a list that is almost guaranteed to surprise you:
Twitter: @WrittenChinese
Vocabulary lists All Learning
Many blogs offer long lists of related vocabulary for you to study. Is that a good way to go? Here are some thoughts:
Twitter: @HackingChinese
So sorry! Intermediate Vocabulary Video
Are you sorry about something? You can express your remorse in a few ways, as described in this video:
Twitter: @ECLSchool
Chinese covers Intermediate Culture Video
Have you ever dreamed of listening to Western hits, translated into Chinese, sung by Chinese artists? Of course you have! Here are five Chinese versions of hits you might know, but sounding oh-so-slightly different:
Twitter: @FluentU
The “Gao Kao” entrance exam All Culture
Chinese students who want to attend a university take the 高考 (gāo kǎo) exam, which can have a huge affect on their future. Here is a summary of what’s on the exam, how students take it, and how they prepare:
Early success Intermediate Vocabulary Learning
How can you learn Chinese successfully? One way is to wake up early. But 早 (zǎo) has multiple meanings, as we see here:
Buying tickets Beginner Story
Planning to travel? This short story about airline tickets will get you in the mood:
Twitter: @imandarinpod
Different kinds of “late” Intermediate Grammar
Both 迟 (chí) and. 晚 (wǎn) can mean “late,” but in different ways:
Recognizing vs. knowing Intermediate Grammar
The word 认识 (rèn shì) means to recognize, and 知道 (zhī dào) means to know. But are there times when it’s not obvious which to use, or when they have subtly different (but overlapping) meanings?
Talking vs. reporting Intermediate Grammar
Using 报告 (bào gào) or 演讲 (yǎn jiǎng) to describe a speech: